Hold Harmless and Liability Waiver
By registering for the Hitting Close to Home Pickleball Tournament, I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the following:
Assumption of Risk: I understand that participation in this event involves physical activity that may result in injury, and I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation in the event.
Release of Liability: I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless MCHFH (Monmouth County Habitat for Humanity), its staff, volunteers, sponsors, the event organizers, and the venue hosting the competition, from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that I may have for any injury, illness, or personal loss sustained by me during or in connection with the event.
Health and Safety: I confirm that I am in good physical condition and capable of safely participating in the event. I agree to follow all event rules and guidelines set forth by the organizers.